Join a group of teen girls on a beautiful wild landscape for adventure, friendship, and creativity. Life can be a rich, enlivening experience when we support each other to be our unique, wild selves! This is a safe space to laugh, cry, create, and listen deeply, while learning lifelong skills for creative expression and self care.
Activities include:
Handwork, art, and craft
Movement and song
Wilderness games and outdoor exploration
Intuitive writing
Female health & menstrual cycle
Wild plant harvesting and medicine-making
Self-expression and active listening
*Includes one overnight adventure each semester.

Program Overview
This program is for teen girls
Ages 13-17
Each week the group will meet on private wilderness land at the base of Lefthand Canyon
Spring 2024 Session: Wednesdays, February 21st - April 17th, 2024
*There is NO girls group on March 20th for Spring Break
12 - 3 PM
Tuition is a Sliding Scale $350-$750*
We follow the St. Vrain Fall and Spring Breaks.
All other holidays or St. Vrain non-contact days we do NOT follow​
There is a 10% sibling discount.
*The base rate price for this program is $575 Various rates on the sliding scale are there to provide fair access based on varying needs within the community.
**The Kiva Center accepts monthly payment plans. We also have Tuition Assistance, use the button below to apply.

Why does this program exist?
We live in a world where the potential for connection is at our fingertips at all times, yet often our true needs for authentic relationships are rarely met. Perhaps, we find ourselves wanting to be seen and known and at the same time, wanting to hide. We yearn for deep connection with ourselves and others and even something greater; and yet are simultaneously afraid of it and unsure of how to get these needs met.
The inspiration for this group is a desire to bring these topics to light and to discover what deep connection and community truly feels like. We will create a safe space for sharing, listening and learning with input from the hearts and souls of those involved. The beautiful, wild land along the river will inform our time together and be a mirror for our process. As we nurture our creative abilities, we are shown the power of what we are capable of when we collaborate.
Our need for connection is not only essential for mental health and wellbeing, but studies show that it is also one of the biggest predictors of success in the workplace. When we practice navigating the nuances of relationships between self, other humans and the Earth, we can transfer these skills to be successful in all areas of our lives. This is a success that is not based on outward appearances or external pressure, but rather, one that allows us to emerge from within to offer our unique gifts to the world.
Meet the Mentors
Osha Waters
Teen Mentor and Empathy Tracker
Osha Waters is a healing arts practitioner. She holds an MA in Environmental Leadership with a concentration in Ecopsychology from Naropa University. Trained as a birth and death doula, she uses her empathic and deep listening skills to support people in a variety of life transitions. Her primary training however, comes from being a mother of three, a devotee of the wild and a perpetual student of the unseen world.
Jay Schwartz
Teen Mentor and Women's Coach
Jay Schwartz is a loving and passionate educator, community herbalist, women's coach, and womb healer. Her work with menstrual health and female empowerment led her on a journey of exploring wellness, sustainability, and spirituality through a cyclical lens. With her degree in Education from Brandeis University, Jay uses her love of song-leading and passion for rituals, movement, and mindfulness to help people feel closer to the Earth,divinity, and their bodies.With prior experience working in Waldorf schools, Jay is excited to embark on an intimate & playful journey with the Kiva community!