Fall Season 2024: August 26th - December 13th, 2024
Spring Season 2025: February 3rd - May 23rd, 2025
Trailblazers Day 1
(ages 5-12)
9 am - 3 pm
(ages 5-12)
9 am - 3 pm
Trailblazers Day 2
(ages 5-12)
9 am - 3 pm
(ages 12+)
9 am - 3 pm
All groups meet on private wilderness land at the base of Lefthand Canyon
When registering, you'll enroll for the full school year, comprising of two 15-week sessions
Each session includes 15 regular meeting days plus one weekend rock climbing adventure day!
Fall 2024 Session: August 26th - December 13th, 2024
One week off for Thanksgiving (Week of 11/25/24)
Spring 2025 Session: February 3rd - May 23rd, 2025
One week off for Spring Break (Week of 3/24/25)
We follow the Boulder Valley School District Fall and Spring Breaks.
All other holidays or BVSD non-contact days we do NOT follow​​
Interested in signing up for 2 days per week? If so, we recommend signing up for the "Trailblazers" on Mondays and Wednesdays, which is designed to build community with the same group of students participating 2 days per week. Here is the format:
Mondays is a Thematic Learning Day, where participants engage in core routines of nature connection, enjoy ample free play exploration, engage in service learning, and learn skills related to the theme of the semester during a designated project time. Each semester, we have an at-home reading book that corresponds to the theme.
Wednesdays is an Adventure Learning Day, where participants enjoy core routines of nature connection, free play, and service learning coupled with a prolonged self-directed learning time. During that time, a mentor offers a skill-share option that students can opt to participate in, while other mentors support the children to dive deeper into emergent interests that arise during their adventures on the land.
Tuition is a Sliding Scale $3190 - $4500 per child for the school year.
(Price dependent on number of days per week)
There is a 10% sibling discount.
There is a 10% discount for students registering for 2+ days per week.
We are proud to announce a new program partnership at the Kiva Center! We have created a Branch Campus of Colorado Homeschool Enrichment ( CHE ) right here in Boulder. CHE is a state funded program that offers enrichment to homeschoolers and nonpublic school educated students. In order to participate in this program your student cannot be enrolled in any other state funded enrichment program. Please note that a $250 registration fee is still required. Click the button below to learn more.
*The Kiva Center accepts monthly payment plans. We also have Tuition Assistance, use the button below to apply.

What We Do
Exploratory Learning
PLAY! Observation of Local Ecosystems, Collaborative Games in Nature, Foraging Wild Plants, and Animal Tracking
Socio-Emotional Skills and Health
Community Council, Curative Storytelling, Mindfulness Practice, Cooking, and Movement Activities